Autism Spectrum

More job support needed for people with a disability

HealthTimes - 03-05-2022

Employment can bring positive outcomes for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but ​new analysis says more long-term support is needed to help individuals reach

Autism is still underdiagnosed in girls and women

HealthTimes - 21-02-2022

Being autistic, but not diagnosed, can lead to a lifetime of struggles and being misunderstood for women.

Eating disorders potentially hiding autism diagnosis

HealthTimes - 08-02-2022

Young people with eating disorders may also have underlying and undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder, according to Flinders University researchers. Led by Professor

Flipping the gut microbiome-autism link on its head

HealthTimes - 16-11-2021

A new Australian collaborative Autism CRC study, led by Mater Research and The University of Queensland, has challenged the growing popular belief that the gut microbiome

Therapy for babies showing early signs of autism reduces the chance of clinical diagnosis at age 3

HealthTimes - 21-09-2021

A therapy for infants showing early signs of autism reduces the chance of the child meeting diagnostic criteria for autism

Artificial intelligence may diagnose autism in 20 minutes

Health Times - 26-08-2021

A 20-minute brain scan may one day be able to detect autism in children, a new study suggests. A group of international researchers, including University of Southern

Time to act on autism diagnosis deficiencies

Health Times - 19-01-2021

Identification of autism, followed by appropriate intervention, has the potential to improve outcomes for autistic individuals – but Flinders University experts say

Practice Articles
How physical therapy empowers children on the autism spectrum

Haley Williams - 08-07-2021

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition affecting around 1 per cent of Australians – estimates, which are increasing year on year,

Breakthrough therapy uses Minecraft to empower children with ASD

Nicole Madigan - 18-02-2020

It’s no secret that children of all ages love internet gaming, and in particular, the world’s most popular video game, Minecraft. And children with

Diagnosing autism

Karen Keast - 08-03-2016

A diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is based on behavioural observation and developmental history and involves a multidisciplinary team of health professionals.

Asperger's syndrome research and developments

Karen Keast - 08-03-2016

Children diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome are considered to be on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum. Under major diagnostic changes, children

Autism spectrum disorder research and developments

Karen Keast - 08-03-2016

The number of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnoses is on the rise in Australia due to increasing awareness and detection. With early intervention crucial to improving

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